Sunday, June 21, 2009

Missing my girls, already...

I drove Amber and Auti to Prescott this morning for their week of camping. I wanted to take a picture in front of the camp sign, but, my batteries were dead in my camera. Unfortunately, I did not know that until I had the car stopped and the girls posing so nicely. Hopefully, I can keep that image in my mind for the rest of my life.

It took me less than two minutes to check the overly excited girls in; they hardly said goodbye and I watched them as they ran off with one of the counselors.

Now, that the sun is setting I am worried sick. I am hopeing I packed enough clothes to keep them warm. Nightfall will be cool in the mountains. I also hope my picky little eater, Auti, has a full belly, I was not allowed to pack snacks although they have store money available.

Camp will be over on Friday, I will know how camp was then. I am praying that they will be safe and secure. I do not believe they will get homesick, but if they do, I hope they can call me. I am missing them, I wish I could call them.



  1. Love your blog. I'm sure your girls will have a blast but I can understand your wondering. Let us know how it was.

  2. I enjoyed your post and there is nothing worse than wanting a pic and the camera not working....with a blog I have turned into the family paparazzi.....kinda scary!


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